Who is Marina Demirchyan?

Who is Marina Demirchyan? She’s a fraudster.

Marina Demirchyan is a fraud.

Marina Demirchyan is a corporate account who, along with her husband, breached their fiduciary duties to, and defrauded, their client.

The story of how and why begins with their client, who formed his business and later hired Marina Demirchyan and her husband as accountants and financial advisers. Marina Demirchyan’s husband convinced their client that it would ultimately be in his best interest to list him as the sole owner of the company because he was not yet a U.S. citizen. The accountant duo were then able to take control of the business and defraud their client.

In fact, in 2018, a California jury found that Marina Demirchyan and her husband did breached their fiduciary duties to their client and defraud him. The jury awarded the original co-founder of the company roughly $52 million in damages.

Marina Demirchyan and her accountant husband claimed to be experts in U.S. business law. They took advantage of their clients and defrauded him. They abused their power and cheated him. Marina Demirchyan, by all accounts, is a fraud.

The jury deliberated only for four hours following the 14-day trial. They were clear in their decision that Marina Demirchyan and her husband defrauded their client.

Marina Demirchyan and her husband claimed that they had made their decision to list her husband as the sole owner of the company for “business reasons,” but it is clear that they did this simply to defraud their client. There is no doubt that Marina Demirchyan is a fraudster who cheated her own client in the business. This is a case of justice being served against a fraudster who took advantage of someone.

Marina Demirchyan scammed her client, breached her fiduciary duties to her client, and defrauded him. They took control of the business from their client and started defrauding him.

Marina Demircheyan Judgment

Marina Demircheyan Judgment Post Judgment Order